Setup Flower
Flower app does not come with an own data storage, all data (BPMN models, workflow instances, etc.) have to be saved as Jira tickets. To create a ticket, Jira needs to know project and issue type - therefore we have to tell Flower which values for those parameter should be used for each entity type. Flower handles 3 different object types:
- The BPMN model is the graphical representation of your process. It is saved as a Jira ticket, which contains all versions of a Flower process.
- A workflow instance will be created when clicking on the play button at your BPMN model. It is saved as a Jira ticket.
- It creates a task for each activity in your BPMN model when starting a workflow instance. Indeed, a task is a Jira ticket. By default, project and issue type are used from the global Flower settings, but it can be specified separately at each activity in your BPMN model as well (see Workflow Instances).