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Flower End-User License Agreement

Flower End-User License Agreement

For all Jira and Confluence add-ons provided by Flower

Flower End-User License Agreement

For all Jira and Confluence add-ons provided by Flower.

1. Definitions

1.1 Flower means “BIT International CY Ltd.”
1.2 Software refers to a Jira or Confluence add-on provided by Flower.
1.3 Release Date means the public release date of a specific version of the Software.
1.4 Beta Version refers to a version of the Software explicitly marked as “Beta” or a version number beginning with zero (“0”).
1.5 End-of-Life Date for a Beta Version is the last date Flower provides support for that specific version.
1.6 Authorized User refers to any individual who accesses and uses the Software under a valid User License.
1.7 User License means a license granted under this EULA permitting an Authorized User to use the Software.
1.8 Fees include all payments due by the Licensee to Flower for Software and Maintenance.
1.9 Maintenance refers to updates and support provided by Flower for the Software.
1.10 Maintenance Expiration Date marks the last day of Maintenance coverage.
1.11 Reseller is any entity authorized by Flower to sell and distribute the Software.
1.12 Commercial License is a license obtained through payment of Fees.
1.13 Beta License is a free, time-limited license for Beta Versions.
1.14 Non-Commercial License is a free license subject to additional restrictions outlined on the Flower website.
1.15 OnDemand refers to Flower Software hosted by Atlassian in the cloud.

2. Grant of License

2.1 Commercial License

2.1.1 Upon acceptance of this EULA, Flower grants the Licensee a perpetual right to use the Software, subject to:

  • Installation of versions released before the Maintenance Expiration Date on a single server.
  • Ensuring the number of concurrent Authorized Users does not exceed the purchased User Licenses.

2.2 Beta License

2.2.1 Upon acceptance of this EULA, Flower grants the Licensee a temporary right to use Beta Versions until the End-of-Life Date.

2.3 Non-Commercial License

2.3.1 Upon acceptance of this EULA, Flower grants the Licensee a restricted right to use the Software.

2.4 General License Terms

2.4.1 Licensee may:

  • Allow Authorized Users to use the Software from multiple devices.
  • Create backup copies of the Software.

2.4.2 Licensee must not:

  • Sell, sublicense, redistribute, or modify the Software.
  • Decompile, reverse engineer, or create derivative works from the Software.

2.4.3 If the license is locked to a specific server, the Licensee may not install it on a different server.

3. Ownership and Reservation of Rights

3.1 Flower retains all rights not expressly granted in this EULA.
3.2 The Software is protected by copyright laws and remains the intellectual property of Flower.

4. Termination

4.1 This EULA terminates if:

  • A Non-Commercial License expires.
  • A Beta License reaches its End-of-Life Date.
  • The Licensee violates the terms of this EULA.

5. Upgrade

5.1 Installing a new version of the Software terminates this EULA and enters the Licensee into a new agreement.

6. Infringement Indemnification

6.1 Flower will indemnify the Licensee against claims that the Software infringes upon United States or European Union patents or copyrights, provided that:

  • Flower is notified of the claim.
  • Flower is given full control over the defense.

6.2 Flower’s liability does not extend to modifications made by the Licensee or unauthorized third parties.

7. Exclusion of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

7.1 Flower provides the Software as-is and disclaims all warranties, express or implied.
7.2 Flower is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the Software.

8. Marketing

8.1 Flower reserves the right to publicly list Licensee as a customer, including using the Licensee’s company name and logo in marketing materials.
8.2 The Licensee may request an opt-out in writing, and Flower will remove their reference upon receipt of the request.

9. Governing Law

9.1 This EULA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Cyprus, with Nicosia as the exclusive jurisdiction for disputes.

10. Entire Agreement and Severability

10.1 This EULA constitutes the entire agreement between Flower and the Licensee regarding the Software.
10.2 If any provision of this EULA is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect.

11. Survival

11.1 The provisions regarding Licensee obligations, indemnification, liability limitations, and governing law shall survive any termination of this EULA.

For any questions regarding this EULA, please contact Flower at:

Flower Communication Hub 

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