Jira Task Orchestration
The Power of Swimlanes
Jira Task Orchestration: The Power of Swimlanes
Managing Jira tasks across a team can feel like a game of task ping-pong—assignments bouncing between users, delays due to unclear responsibilities.
Swimlanes bring order to task management, ensuring a structured and predictable assignment flow.
In Jira, every task must have an explicit assignee, and group assignments aren’t possible.
This makes it tricky to distribute work consistently across a process. BPMN Swimlanes solve this problem by automatically handling user assignments.
How Swimlanes Work in Flower
Swimlanes are modeled directly in BPMN and take effect when the process is executed.
- When the first task in a swimlane is assigned, all subsequent tasks in that lane inherit the same user.
- If a task is reassigned, the entire swimlane updates, ensuring consistency across related tasks.
- This eliminates manual task reassignments, reducing friction in human-driven workflows.
By enforcing structured assignments, teams can work more efficiently, knowing exactly who owns each task at every stage.
Making Jira Task Assignment Smooth and Simple
Jira doesn’t natively support swimlane-based task assignments, but Flower does.
When you click on a swimlane, you’ll see a Jira filter displaying all current tasks assigned within that lane.
This allows teams to easily track workload per swimlane and adjust assignments when needed.
Create a Jira Swimlane Board
Want a dedicated Jira board for a specific swimlane?
You can create a custom Jira filter to track all tasks in a BPMN swimlane:
flowerLane in ("Your-BPMN-Lane-Name")
From this filter, you can set up a Jira board that provides a clear overview of tasks within a swimlane,
helping teams pick up tasks efficiently.