Note: This is a sub-process and only functional when integrated into the main process "Assignment of roles".
Assignment of roles takes place in every HR department and is one crucial process. It aims at assigning employees of an organisation unit to specific roles. This is followed by an evaluation process which ensures the correct assignment.
Assignment of roles takes place in every HR department and is one crucial process. It aims at assigning employees of an organisation unit to specific roles. This is followed by an evaluation process which ensures the correct assignment.
Use the process template as it is or adjust and extend to your individual needs.
Whenever a new role assignment is required this sub-process is initiated:
- At first an initial conversation is conducted.
- This conversation is then documented in a documentation tool.
- Depending on the result an appropriate policy is chosen between “Exit policy”, “Replacement policy” and “New position policy”.
- Lastly this new assignment is checked and released.
This business process example is also available in you Flower business process template repository. Or simply download the business process template for free.