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Change Management

Change Management

Change Management aims to control the lifecycle of all Changes. The primary objective of of this process is to enable beneficial Changes to be made, with minimum disruption to IT services.


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ITIL Change Management aims to control the lifecycle of all Changes. The primary objective of of this process is to enable beneficial Changes to be made, with minimum disruption to IT services.

  • Change Management Support

To provide templates and guidance for the authorization of Changes, and to supply the other IT Service Management processes with information on planned and ongoing Changes.

  • Assessment of Change Proposals

To asses Change Proposals which are typically submitted for significant Changes by Service Strategy. The purpose of assessing Change Proposals is to identify possible issues prior to the start of design activities.

  • RFC Logging and Review

To filter out Request of Change which do not contain all information required for assessment or which are deemed impractical.

  • Assessment and Implementation of Emergency Changes

Objective: To assess, authorize and implement an Emergency Change as quickly as possible. This process is invoked if normal Change Management procedures cannot be applied because an emergency requires immediate action.

  • Change Assessment by the Change Manager

To determine the required level of authorization for the assessment of a proposed Change. Significant Changes are passed on to the CAB for assessment, while minor Changes are immediately assessed and authorized by the Change Manager.

  • Change Assessment by the CAB

To assess a proposed Change and authorize the Change planning phase. If required, higher levels of authority (e.g. IT Management) are involved in the authorization process.

  • Change Scheduling and Build Authorization

To authorize detailed Change and Release planning, and to assess the resulting Project Plan prior to authorizing the Change Build phase.

  • Change Deployment Authorization

To assess if all required Change components have been built and properly tested, and to authorize the Change Deployment phase.

  • Minor Change Deployment

To implement low-risk, well-understood Changes which do not require the involvement of Release Management.

  • Post Implementation Review and Change Closure

To assess the course of the Change implementation and the achieved results, in order to verify that a complete history if activities is present for future reference, and to make sure that any mistakes are analyzed and lessons learned.

This business process example is also available in your Flower business process template repository. Or simply download the business process template for free.


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