Search Flower Models in Jira JQL

Search Flower Models in Jira JQL

API & Integration
Search Flower with JQL

Search Flower Models in Jira JQL

As all Flower entities like Process Model, Business Process Instances and Tasks are persisted as Jira Objects you can search for those by JQL.

Flower JQL Advanced Search

The Jira Query Language (JQL) is used to filter and search for issues across multiple projects, and it can be used to find issues that match specific conditions such as those assigned to a specific user, or those that have a specific status or priority. To find more about JQL and advanced search in Jira, this documentation is a good starting point. (opens in a new tab)

The most common Flower search expressions:

  • Search for all Flower entities:
    flowerType in (Model, "Process Instance", Activity)
  • Search for all Flower Process Models:
    flowerType in (Model)
  • Search for all Flower Business Process Instances:
    flowerType in ("Process Instance")
  • Search for all Flower Workflow Tasks:
    flowerType in (Activity)
  • Search for all Flower Tasks related to a swimlane:
    flowerLane in ("Your-BPMN-Lane-Name")
  • Search for all Flower Process Instances for a certain Process Model:
    flowerModel=YOUR-MODEL-KEY AND flowerType in ("Process Instance")
  • Search for all Flower Tasks for a certain Process Model:
    flowerModel=YOUR-MODEL-KEY AND flowerType in (Activity)
  • Search for all Flower Tasks for a certain Process Instance:
  • Search for all Issues related to a certain BPMN activity (node). You can find the BPMN Activity id in the Flower BPMN modeler:

These JQL expressions can be used to create a Jira board (opens in a new tab) or as one of your favorite filters.